Heidi James and her students’ presentation about Minecraft was an interesting learning experience for me. I have no prior experience with Minecraft therefore the whole presentation was a bit overwhelming for me. However, it was quite an engaging class where I was able to hear various teaching ideas and ways to integrate Minecraft into learning. Hearing how Heidi had to advocate for Minecraft to be accessible for her school. This shows that sometimes we have to go out of our way to advocate for the best interest of our students’ learning.

This week, I was able to unpack my biases regarding game-based learning and how I can actually incorporate such learning strategies in the classroom. I am not fully confident to incorporate Minecraft in future classrooms, but I will be open to the idea of exploring it and learning alongside my students. I would be more comfortable using Kahoot and Prodigy. I found traditionally learning math was boring and harder when I was in elementary and middle school. If my teacher had used math games such as prodigy, it could have been fun and more engaging.