While doing my 30 days of yoga I am trying to practice gratitude. When doing difficult poses I have shown gratitude to myself. This gave me insight that the practice of gratitude starts from self which then develops to others. I believe that practicing gratitude has benefits for both our mental, physical, emotional, and psychological well beings.

I am mainly focusing on the psychological benefits of gratitude. Practicing gratitude can boost happiness and fosters both physical and psychological health, even among those already struggling with mental health problems. It also reduces our negative emotions such as depression, anxiety, anger, and jealousy.  When you practice gratitude it reduces your stress, insomnia, develops a healthier relationship, has a stronger immune system.

Tips on how to practice gratitude on daily basis:

  • When you wake up write down three good things that you are grateful for
  • Write or say thank-you notes to others
  • Think about people who have inspired you and what about them was most significant
  • Engage in “mental subtraction”. Imagine what your life would be like if some positive event had not occurred.
  • Keep a journal of your choice where you can jot down small and big milestones of your life
  • Write a gratitude letter to yourself and others.